Intaris is an active and recognised member of the international LabVIEW community.
Developer forums available here are a cornerstone of the LabVIEW developer community. In addition to being an excellent source of information for anyone requiring assistance in anything LabVIEW (or beyond), it is driven mainly be volunteers from within the LabVIEW community.
With (as of August 2007) over 1400 replies posted to questions posted, the username "shoneill" is currently the 18th most active contributor to the entire forum.
Forum Profile for "shoneill".
Contributing to the community-intern "Nugget" (Programming tips and tricks for intermediate to advanced users) the experience gained is shared with the entire community as a whole.
Most current "Nugget" posted.
The ideas and methods used in providing our software solutions is the result of an open and frank exchange with fellow developers on this international exchange.
In addition to the track record being a testament of experience and ability, it also a recommended place for beginners and advanced users alike to sharpen their LabVIEW skills.